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Friday, 23 November 2012

Da Bears!

yup, the past two weeks without hockey have not been fun for me as my bear fandom grows, and so does their losing deficits. But anyway, here's my HO on their logos.

What I like : It's clean, and the colour scheme is excellent, I like the burnt orange on anything, and mix that with navy and it's a winner IMO. It's a good helmet logo.

What I don't like: It's plain. The spike on the end is much needed to prevent it being just a curved line. And the two lines don't match up, I guess that's needed to prevent it looking like a G. It couldn't stand anywhere on it's own except on a helmet, and fortunately it is.

Verdict: 6/10 Simple, yet plain, needs something, especially to give it 'bears' identity (perhaps a claw?)

What I like: Brings a shot of detail into the bears logo inventory. The colours mix well and It actually looks like a bear. (I'm thinking of the California Seals in my head, what even was that?) Nice attention to detail in the shading. 

What I don't Like: Woah, it's really dark. The primary uses the same colours yet it 100% lighter that this. Some white somewhere in here wouldn't hurt it. Also The left side gets lost on me, the eye just seems to blend in.

Verdict: 7.5/10 Nice cool design, yet dark and muttled in some places.

Overall Brand Verdict: 7.5/10 One is clean, simple and plain, and the other is dark and detailed. The two separate logos compliment each other and bring a strong identity into a storied franchise in the biggest sport league in North America. 

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